App Components Quick Links

App Components

An app consist of one or more components, a component can be of different types:



A section component is added to the site of user as whole page (excluding header and footer). The page appears in the main menu and acts just like any other page in the user’s website.



A section consists of two parts:


An element component is added to the user’s site. The component can be fixed size, resizable, only resizable in width or only resizable in height. Beside that can it be dragged and dropped anywhere at any page. Furthermore can an element be added multiple times to a single page. Elements are the most atomic parts of a website, like images, buttons, or different types of text.



An element consist of two parts:

When a user adds your app, we’ll generate a unique ID for your app in this specific site, called an App Instance ID. You use the App Instance ID to link your app to the user’s site.

App editor properties

In the developer portal you can create app settings by adding properties to your app.  All property data is stored in our database. Updating your app by changing the properties in the editor are shown live. Properties can be added to a Section or Element component.

A property can be of different types:


A dashboard component will be added to the control panel of a user as whole page. Your component will be loaded in as iframe.



An dashboard consist of only one part:


A Javascript component will be added to all pages of the user. Use our simple Javascript editor in the developer portal to add your javascript component.
