Events Quick Links


Builder.postEvent(url, event, onSuccess, onError)

Post an event.


Name Type Description
url String The endpoint of your server that handles posting an event.
event Object The event object. (see example)
onSuccess Function On success callback function.
onError Function On error callback function.


Builder.postEvent() example

const url = ''

const event = {
  'event_type': 'store_purchase',
  // The content can be anything, as long as it is an object
  'content': {
    'store_id': 'appmachine',
    'card_id': '09102017133515',
    'order_number': '61017114657'

const onSuccess = (response) => {

const onError = (response) => {

Builder.postEvent(url, event, onSuccess, onError)

Builder.getEvents(url, since, until, contactId, scope, eventTypes, offset, limit, onSuccess, onError)

Get events.


Name Type Description
url String The endpoint of your server that handles getting events.
since Number Unix timestamp to get events since a certain date/time.
until Number Unix timestamp to get events until a certain date/time.
contactId String A contact id. (can be an empty String)
scope String The scope of the event. This can be ‘app’ or ‘site’.
eventTypes String Comma separated string of event types to filter. (can be an empty String)
offset String An offset for the events to get.
limit Number Limit the number of events to get.
onSuccess Function On success callback function.
onError Function On error callback function.


Builder.getEvents() example

const url = ''

const since = new Date(2017, 6, 6).getTime()

const until = new Date().getTime()

const contactId = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000'

const scope = 'app'

const eventTypes = 'new_order,new_contact'

const offset = '0'

const limit = 50

const onSuccess = (response) => {

const onError = (response) => {

Builder.getEvents(url, since, until, contactId, scope, eventTypes, offset, limit, onSuccess, onError)