Integrating Your App into App Market


The app market uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for all its communication. This is used when rendering the apps as iFrames and when an app in communicating with the external api. The JWT has a payload that contains an instance id that is bound to one specific website.


Rendering an iFrame

When a component of your app is rendered a instanceJwt query parameter is send along in the render url. This JWT contains a payload which can be read and verified using standard JWT libraries, or by using our server side SDK. For verification you should use the render secret that can be found in the developer portal when you edit your app.

JWT payload


One of the values that is held in the jwt is the instanceId. This is a unique id that identifies your instance of your app, It is unique per website, per app. All the data of your app should be stored under this instance id and all the communication between your app and the app market is done by passing this id.


This is the id of the payment plan which the user has chosen and payed for your app. This id is a field of a payment plan which belong to your app and can be create by using the developer portal.

External API

When you want to do a call to the external api you have to provide a instance-jwt, more on this. You can call endpoints with your own code or by using one of our SDKs.

SDKs we offer: